What’s the problem?

Modern slavery persists within the supply chains of goods transported by sea vessels. Despite international regulations and efforts to combat human trafficking and forced labor, instances of exploitation continue to occur aboard ships involved in the transportation of various commodities. Vulnerable individuals, including migrant workers and those from marginalized communities, are often subjected to harsh working conditions, coercion, and abuse while working on ships.

Quick Facts

History of the bill


May 11: This bill received royal assent on. Debates of the Senate.  


11 июня 2021 г.: Германия принимает закон о комплексной проверке цепочек поставок Осень 2021 года: ЛПК и КПК обещают принять меры по борьбе с принудительным…Read More


February 5, 2020: Senator Miville-Dechêne introduces Bill S-211 (Bill died on August 18, 2020 when Parliament was prorogued) July 1, 2020: As part of the…Read More


February 8, 2019: Canadian government response to Standing Committee report. Government broadly agrees with report. October 24, 2019: The Netherlands adopts Child Labour Due diligence…Read More


October 15, 2018: Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Development presents report: “A call to action: ending the use of all forms of child…Read More


March 27, 2017: France adopts human rights due diligence law


March 26, 2015: UK adopts Modern Slavery Act